Beginnings: Uptown HARLEM and Downtown Dance History Connections! With Sandra Cameron and Larry Schulz - Part 1
While visiting Queen of Swing Ms. Norma Miller months back she stated: “You should talk to Larry – if it wasn’t for him this thing wouldn’t have happened”... She is right: This Lindy Hop/Swing thing wouldn’t be where it is – at least in NYC. But the beginnings are a little more “complicated” than that. Why? Because there are all different sides and opinions out there… in print and articles written up… some partial and some accurate to the T. And its obvious certain people are not talking to each other and/or are trying to leave key people out of the history just enough to let them “fade away”… _________________________ Choppin’ it Up We have talked to Larry Schulz before numerous times but now we want to get to some nitty gritty and yet fun aspects that folks need to know about. So lets start at the beginning… because they are the beginning of the DOWNTOWN revival. Who is they? Larry Schulz and Sandra Cameron. This time...