On October 26th 2019 there was a special Black Lindy Hop Matters event in New York City. Usually held in Harlem (for the past 2 years) the event was moved downtown for a special screening event honoring Lindy Hop Preservationist and Visionary Ms. Louise "Mama Lu" Parks Duncanson. Thru her efforts and with many of the Savoy Ballroom & Savoy Manor Lindy Hop Dance Legends (who won titles at the famed NYC Harvest Moon Ball contest) it was imperative that they share stories. These dancers pictured assisted her in numerous ways, and thus they ALL kept Harlem's Lindy Hop culture alive locally and around the world...
Ms. Novaks, a Black Cultural Reporter and Artist was on hand at this event, and was shocked at what she saw and learned. Ms. Barbara Jones assured her this event was only the tip of the iceberg. This eventually lead to an interview with some pointed and needed questions....
1. Is there a State of emergency for Black
Lindy Hop?
there is. Whenever a cultural phenomenon that a group
started leaves them - and is happily and gloriously being done by
others who are re-telling it, monopolizing it, picking it apart, etc...
Well guess what? Its tragic. The Harlem Swing Dance
Society (THSDS) feels the culture is under attack. So for Black
youth to get that appreciation and excitement rejuvenated its
gonna take some work - but its well worth the effort and
necessary. For example: When you have some young kids expressing
that Lindy Hop started in Europe something is very wrong and needs to be
corrected as quickly as possible....
2. Lindy Hop has now been appropriated by
other cultures. I see less and less of the people who are descendants, so
to speak, in the various arenas.
When you
don't keep a solid piece or control of the action of a culture amongst
yourselves this is what happens. There are various reasons why
you see less and less of "us" on the social dance scene, and The Harlem Swing Dance Society
addresses this when they periodically have their event "Black Lindy Hop
Matters" (BLHM)
3. My observations as a brand new dancer are: While at
events black men , young and old, do not ask to dance and bypass the few black
women available in favor of everyone else. Has this been your experience and
what are your thoughts?
Oh yes this has happened to me, and still does to an extent. Lets face it Black women can be viewed as
invisible people and be trampled over at dances by white females to get to the
few Black men present.
THSDS addressed this issue within a blog within
the last 3 years at http://harlemlindyhopmusings.blogspot.com/. Has
it improved? To me, in some ways not really... but I'm talking about
the NYC social dance scene and to be fair I personally don't hit every social
dance. Social media, Youtube and various posts tells me a lot of what
goes on though :>)
This is something again that can be addressed to the Black male dancers
discreetly or to the side. Be careful though :>) And in all
fairness, some Black women need to get off their high horse and dance with
the new Black male dancers so they'll feel confident on the
social dance floor. It can be a delicate subject yet it can and
should be tackled...
4. Are you hopeful? Is there a chance for
black people to reclaim our glory? How?
Oh there's always hope and there are strategic ways to address the
issues. But THSDS will never embarrass or correct our people in
front of other races. That's why our BLHM events always state:
NOTICE: "Please respect Keepers of Harlem Culture, and The Harlem Swing
Dance Society's intention to create and hold this space for Black artists,
Black /African Americans and Black Harlem community members only. We reserve
the right to disqualify entry"
We are
being polite here with that notice; we don't have to do
that. However we are fishing for new interest publicly, and
therefore must advertise the event and let new Black people know they'll be in
a comfortable atmosphere. You see we have heard personally and on social
media from Black people who are disgusted at the state of affairs of Lindy Hop
and Swing Dance. They don't fully get the enormity of what has
happened, but we understand their anger..... and while validating them and
their opinions we get into the Nitty Gritty of who did what (and didn't do
Yes we
know there are folks (Black, White and more) who want to be flies on
the wall at these events (especially this last one!) but it isn't
happening out of dignity and respect for those we know can help us reclaim
a solid footing and take this culture to the next level. More importantly a better hold on our glory with this famous dance art form for
the past and future is (for and within) present generations of Black people in
the Harlem area and beyond. So we want their reactions and responses respected and valued
The avenues to do this - reaching more Black people - are many and exciting! But sorry: We cannot divulge our strategies. However you just got a load full here if you think about it :>)
The avenues to do this - reaching more Black people - are many and exciting! But sorry: We cannot divulge our strategies. However you just got a load full here if you think about it :>)
5. There seems to be splinter groups of black
factions in this community that are not on the same page, especially given the
gravity of the state of BLHM, why is this and can it be remedied?
have their own ways and you have to respect that. I don't know if it will
be remedied anytime soon. THSDS encourages the other BLHM chapter when we
can.... and to be honest because of the destructive and divisive elements of a
few Black and White individuals we
work around this select negative element here in NYC. But
we are happy to say that because of The Harlem Swing Dance
Society being established there is more talk, enthusiasm and respect for
the culture in Harlem within the last 10 years then the 10 years prior.
this is no cut against the efforts of others thru the
years, however "primitive" it may seem in hindsight. Truthfully it was always around from the days of the first generation of Shorty George and Company... a group. It just was not formally established - thats all. Sadly and realistically there are quite a few in greater
"Lindy Hop Land" who will groom you to disregard and
disrespect the professionalism and work of these people if you’re not
careful. Lindy Hop Culture with the dancing
performance-wise and socially NEVER died in
Harlem: However it did for white folks. So for the Harlem
community especially the Black Lindy Hop Matters events are
relevant and will continue to make headway step by step, bigger and
better. This is to awaken a new generation, and likewise stimulate
the seasoned seniors who can give us much incite to ALL of the glorious years
of Harlem's Lindy Hop culture.
JOIN US! Find out and see...
What the future can bring in the Home of Swing!
Our Concept: To preserve Harlem U.S.A.’s Signature Cultural Dance
The Lindy Hop and other forms of Swing Dancing
In it’s Original Cultural Home - HARLEM
The Harlem Swing Dance Society (THSDS) is the premiere non profit organization in Harlem promoting, preserving, propagating and protecting Lindy Hop and Swing Dance Culture. Our outreach is done by FYI sessions, lessons, performances, lectures, workshops and more.
We do weekly classes on Tuesdays - and Harlem Jazz/Lindy Hop Tours!
Contact us and make a difference!
The Harlem Swing Dance Society (THSDS)

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