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Historic Harlem Nights! October 26th thru the 29th: The American Lindy Hop Championships Festival

Historic Harlem Nights - Jazz and Dance!
The American Lindy Hop Championships Festival: ALHC
October 26th thru 29th

YES online registration has Closed- but that doesn't mean you cannot get in - YOU CAN!
You may purchase the door
ALL Weekend Pass to Social Eves - $125    Harlem Evening Socials  - $25

There are a couple of FREE events  - see below

So see you for Historic Harlem Nights!  

More details below and the schedule:

Make Harlem GREAT Again! Join us for some exciting Jazzy

 Hoppin Idlewild Nights at the National Black Theater with 
The American Lindy Hop Championships (ALHC). Legends 
of Harlem's famed Lindy Hop dance art form will return 
home for evenings of HOT music and dance reminiscent of 
the famous Savoy Ballroom! 

We are welcoming back 97yr young Harlem Dance Legend , 

Entertainer and globetrotter Norma Miller; Harvest Moon 
Ball Champions and Savoy Ballroom Legends Sugar 
Sullivan, Sonny Allen and Barbara Billups.  Then we have 
the only second generation Harvest Moon Ball Champion 
(Here Dad in 1940, herself in 1972) and Mama Lu Parks 
Dancer (Parkette)  Crystal Johnson!  All of these Harlemites 
are Historic Preservers of Harlem's most famed dance - the 
Lindy Hop.

Tickets range from $25 for a single evening event to $125 
for a bargain package price for all of the social dance 
evenings. If you have any questions please call 313 - 790 - 
2311 or email

WHERE?  The National Black Theater  2031 Fifth Ave between 125th & 126th Street


~~Thursday Oct 26th - 9pm to 12am

Meet and Greet - and Press Night! Prom Themed Social 

Dance for 97yr young Norma Miller - she missed hers! 

~~Friday Oct 27th 

FREE 6pm - 7:30pm Classic Lindy Hop Clips with lively Q & A Discussion

9pm to 12am
Glenn Crytzer & His New Yorkers . Classic & American 
Showcase HMB (Harvest Moon Ball) Divisions

~~Saturday Oct 28th 

FREE 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Brown Bag it: Lunch and Q & A Series with the Lindy Hop 
Legends!  NOTE: Bring your own grub 

9:30pm to 12:30am

Ron Sunshine and Band Showcase, Cabaret & Truckin' Divisions
LATE NIGHT JAZZ - MIntons 12am to 4am FREE/No Cover 11pm to 4am

~~Sunday October 29th

3:00 - 6:00pm 

George Gee and his Orchestra Junior Swing Championship, Adult, American Showcase and all finals

8:00 - 11:00pm 

Soul Jam Dance Party

Schedule subject to change: More Activities TBA....


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